Monday, December 2, 2013

Our Town

This morning the kids worked on lacing different shapes. They practiced weaving the yarn up and down through the holes or looping it around the holes. During morning circle we talked about the calendar and our new month...December! We also started a new AABB pattern with red stars and green hearts. The kids reviewed our Everyday Words.

 We also practiced Sounds Around Town. After practicing the sound brothers and wind cousins we made words that had -at at the end.
 Our story today was "On the Town" by Judith Caseley. Charlie's homework was to explore the people and places in his community. So he went on a walk with his mother to see what he would find. He saw his school, police officers, a fire station, restaurants, the library, a train station and many other wonderful places in the town. After reading the story we made a list of all the special places in our town.

For art today the kids made a community map. They first had to draw roads. Then they placed a police station, fire station, doctor office, dentist office and post office in their town. Then they could pick other places we talked about in our book to add to their map. It was wonderful to see the different places they added! 

During writing centers today we practiced writing our first and last name, writing the letter N, sight words on the iPad and hammering an outline of a house. The kids worked really hard at all the station. 

It was a great first day back at school after Thanksgiving break. The kids were so excited to see each other and they all did a great job listening to directions and engaging in all our fun activities. 

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