This morning the kids played memory and Go Fish. During morning circle we talked about the calendar and continued our ABB pattern. The kids reviewed all the consonants with the sound brothers and cousins. Then we learned about the vowels. The vowel circle has three sets of sounds...the smile vowels, the open vowels and the round vowels. We focused on the smile vowels today. They are made in the front of our mouth and each vowel makes our chin take a step down. We practiced long e, short i, short e, long a, short a and short u. After practicing our sounds we made words with -et. The kids pulled letters from the mystery box and sounded out their special word. We read vet, pet, bet, met, net, jet, get, and set.
For writing today they kids wrote in their journals and practiced letters H-N. They also wrote sight words on the ipads. Since we couldn't go outside today we had a mini exercise class in the classroom. The kids ran in place, did jumping jacks and hopped around.
Our story today was "The Biggest Snowman Ever" by Steven Kroll. In the story Clayton and Desmond want to build the biggest snowman every! But they realized that their friends snowmen are the same size as they work together to combine their snowmen. After reading the story the kids described the goal in the story, the problem and how they solved the problem. Then we talked about big, bigger and biggest. The kids sorted different shapes and placed them in the correct columns while describing the shapes with big, bigger and biggest.
For art today the kids made snow globes! First they used a white crayon to draw three circles to make the snowman's body. Then they used a black crayon to add two eyes and some buttons. Next they glued a hat and scarf onto their snowman. Last they glued the snow globe onto the black base.
The day went by very quickly! After eating lunch the kids had just enough time to share their Show and Tell with the class. Try to stay warm this weekend and I will see everyone on Monday!