Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Snowman

This morning during our morning circle we started a science experiment. The teachers froze 6 water balloons. After cutting off the balloons we were left with 6 round balls of ice. The class helped make two snowmen with the ice balls.

 We stacked them on top of each other. Then we made predictions about which one will melt the fastest...the snowman inside the classroom or the snowman outside. Then we had to wait until the end of the day to see the results.
Today we read the book "The Snowman" by Raymond Briggs. Before we read the book the class watched the movie The Snowman. It had no words so we had to describe what was going on while watching. The snowman went on an exciting adventure with a little boy. After the movie we read the story. The class helped fill in parts that were left out of the book. Then we described the different parts of a snowman. A snowman has 3 round circles for his body. He has two eyes, a carrot nose and a mouth. He can have a hat, scarf and stick arms.

For art today we made a snowman face. The kids used cotton balls to make his face puffy like snow. Then we glued on eyes, a carrot nose and a blue hat. The kids described their snowmen to their neighbors when they were finished.

After eating lunch we looked at our inside and outside snowmen. The inside snowman had started to melt and the balls of ice were getting smaller. The outside snowman had two ice balls still stuck together. There was no water in the bottom of the outside snowman because it was to COLD outside. We learned that ice melts faster in warmer weather...that is why we don't see snowmen in the summer!

Hopefully it will be warmer tomorrow so we can play outside a little longer. Don't forget your hat and gloves!

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