Friday, January 17, 2014

Getting Dressed for Winter

This morning the kids started their day playing Go Fish with a deck of cards. They practiced asking each other for specific cards and had to go around the circle and take turns. During morning circle we practiced the days of the week and months of the year. We continued our ABB pattern. We also reviewed the Sounds Around Town. After reviewing all the sounds the kids each had a turn pulling a mystery letter out of the box. They identified the letter name, sound and then thought of a letter that started with that same sound. At the end of circle time we thought of as many words that rhymed with cat. Hat, bat, sat, rat, fat, mat, pat, and nat all rhyme with cat!
Our story today was "The Jacket I Wear in the Snow" by Shirley Neitzel. The story describes a little girl getting all bundled up to go play outside in the snow. The story had lots of great rhyming words to describe her winter clothes. After reading the story the kids practiced using ordinal numbers to describe how to get dressed or undressed.

For art today we made patterned scarves. The kids first identified the pattern they wanted to make...ABAB, AABAAB, ABBABB, AABBAABB, or ABCABC. Once they selected a pattern they choose circles, triangles or squares to represent the A, B, or C in their pattern. The last step was gluing the shapes in the correct order onto their scarf. The kids worked very hard and the scarves turned out great!

For writing today we reviewed letters that the kids were having difficulty forming correctly. We also wrote in our journals and practiced writing sight words. After eating lunch we sang some winter songs. I hope everyone enjoys their long weekend...see you on Tuesday!

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