Today we learned all about trains! This morning in morning circle the kids reviewed the letter "r" and thought of words that started with the /r/ sound. We also categorized things that go in the air, on the road and in the water. The kids were given pictures and had to selected the correct category.
Our story today was "Terrific Trains" by Tony Mitton. The story talked about the parts of trains and the purpose for each. We learned what trains can carry and where they can go. After reading the story we discussed new train vocabulary. We also labeled the parts of trains. There is an engine, freight car, passenger car and caboose. The engineer or conductor drives the train on the tracks.
For art the kids make a geometric train. They were given an outline of a shape train. First they had to find all the colored shapes to match the outlines on their papers. After they found all the shapes to make the train, they glued them down onto the paper. Once the art was completed the kids described the shapes needed to make the train...triangle, circle, square, rectangle and rhombus. They also shared where their train was going to go and what it would carry.
After we finished lunch we sang transportation songs. Tomorrow we will finish things that go on the road by learning about buses!
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