This morning there were boats and different materials in the pool. The kids decided if the materials would float like the boats or sink in the water. We talked about the letter m in morning circle and thought of words that started with m. We also discussed opposites and matched opposite words together. We talked about hot/cold, up/down, in/out, happy/sad, front/back, top/bottom, float/sink, and boy/girl.
Ms. Michelle came today! First we used different tools to pick up eggs around the room. She hid the eggs low on the ground and high on the shelves. We had to be careful and walk slowly so the eggs didn't fall before we reached the big basket. Once we found all the eggs it was time for finger fun! Ms. Michelle had a mixture that looked just like birthday cake dough and smelled like strawberries! We pretended the make cookies for each other.
Our story today was "Little Tug" by Stephen Savage. Tug boats are very important. They help push bigger boats out of the harbor and make sure cruise ships get out safely. They also help boats that break down and needed pulled back to the dock. Even though tub boats are small...they big boats need them. After reading the story we introduced our vocabulary..sink and float! The kids brainstormed objects that would sink and float. We learned that float is when it stays on top of the water and sink is when it goes to the bottom.

The kids conducted an experiment about sink and float. First we made predictions about 10 objects. The class made a guess if a metal spoon, crayon, feather, plastic spoon, block, paper, rock, stick, coin and popsicle stick would sink or float. After making our prediction chart the kids placed each object into a bin. We charted the objects that floated and sunk. We were surprised by some of the results. The kids were so excited to share and describe the results to each other...we had some great conversations!
After lunch the kids had music. We sang songs about opposites, transportation and then took suggestions for their favorite songs. They sure love the peanut butter song! Tomorrow we will continue talking about boats....any maybe we can test some boats in water to see if they can sail!
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