Monday, March 24, 2014


This morning we sorted different objects by color and size. There were types of fruit, animals and dinosaurs. The kids also used different color links to make patterns. For morning circle we continued our ABAC pattern and practiced identifying numbers 11-30. The kids practiced the vowel circle and blend words that end in -un. We read bun, fun, nun, sun, run, and spun. At the end of circle time we read our Everyday Words.
Our story today was "I'm a Caterpillar" by Jean Marzollo. It told the story of metamorphosis. After reading the story we talked about the four stages. First, there are small butterfly eggs. Then, the eggs hatch and they are caterpillars. Next, the caterpillar make a chrysalis. Finally, a butterfly flies out from the chrysalis. The kids also talked about the similarities and differences between a caterpillar and a butterfly using a venn diagram.

For art today we made the butterfly life cycle using different kids of noodles. First, we used small round noodles to make the eggs on the leaf. Next, we used a spiral noddle to make the caterpillar eating the green leaf. Then, we used a shell noodle to make the chrysalis hanging from a branch. Finally, we used a bow tie noodle to make the butterfly drinking the nectar from the flower. After illustrating each stage with noodles the kids helped label each part of the metamorphosis.

During writing centers today the kids practiced writing a lower case d. They also wrote a fact about butterflies in their journals. While waiting their turn they wrote sight words in all lower case letters.
After eating lunch we watched a video about the butterfly life cycle. We also sang a song about metamorphosis.

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