Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Frogs Eat Flies

This morning there were hopping frogs in the pool. The had them hopping and jumping around...even playing leap frog with each other. During our morning circle we talked about the letter T. We listed lots of words that started with the /t/ sounds....turtle, train, tadpole, ten, tongue, tomato and tiger.

Michelle came today! We first played a version of musical chairs. The kids walked around the circle on different squares. When the music stopped the kids had to do what the square said..crab walk, hop, squat, jump, jog, skip, stretch. Then the kids each picked their favorite action and shared it with the group. Next we rotated through three groups. The kids found objects hidden in putty, put discs in a piggy bank with only one hand and drew habitats for jungle animals.
Our story today was "Too Many Frogs" by Sandra Asher. Rabbit lives alone. He cooks for himself, cleans up for himself, and at the end of the day, reads himself a story. But one evening, Froggie shows up at his door. He wants to listen to Rabbit's story, too. While eating a snack-or three. While lounging on a pillow-or ten. And bringing over his family-dozens and dozens of frogs! Rabbit has finally had enough; Froggie will have to go! But when he sits down alone to read himself a story, Rabbit realizes something is missing: someone to listen; someone to share a wonderful story. He finds Froggie and tells him he would love for him and his family to join story time! After reading the story we labeled different parts of a frog. They have 4 legs, 2 eyes, a mouth and a long, sticky tongue.

For science we talked about frog tongues. They are very long and sticky. They need a long tongue to catch bugs and flies. There tongue also moves very fast. The kids used party blowers to pretend to be frogs. They tried to catch as many flies as they could on the table.

Next, it was time to make a frog for art. The kids labeled the different part of the frogs body and realized he was missing eyes. The kids added two big googly eyes to the frog. Then they pushed the blower into his mouth so he had a long tongue to catch bugs! The kids loved imagining they were green frogs!

After lunch we talked about our Out and About tomorrow. We are so excited to see Too Many Frogs tomorrow! We went over the rules of watching a show....we have to be quiet, listen and stay in our seats. We will all wear our Speech Garden shirts so we match! See everyone tomorrow morning at 8:50 at the East/West train stop!

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