Tuesday, March 25, 2014


This morning the kids ripped pieces of red paper and squished them into little tiny balls. This was a big help to get ready for our art project later in the day...plus our fingers got a workout. During morning circle we talked about the letter H and identified words that start with the /h/ sound. We also talked about rhyming and the kids practiced identifying words that rhyme.
Ms. Michelle came today! For our first activity the kids had to select an animal card and act it out. Then they jumped on 4 circles and across bubble wrap. Next they picked up an stuffed animal with special scissor tongs and carried it to the big green circle. Finally the rode the scooter on their belly back to the start line. Then Ms. Michelle had the kids used wiki sticks to make a person. First we made a round circle for the head. Next we added hair to our person. Then we added two arms and two legs by folding the wiki sticks in half. Finally we added hands and feet. After our person was finished the kids used the wiki  sticks to make the first letter of their name.

LITTLE BUGGY by Kevin O'Malley 
Our story today was "Little Buggy" by Kevin O'Malley.  In the story Little Buggy wanted to learn to fly. Daddy Buggy tried to teach him but he kept falling. Little Buggy didn't give up and kept trying....finally he was able to fly! After reading the story we described and labeled a ladybug. They are insects so they have 6 legs, 2 antennae, and two eyes. They also have a hard outer shell and wings. 

For art today the kids made a ladybug. We used all the information we learned during language circle to help us make the ladybug. First we glued our red scrunched up paper on the hard outer shell. Then we added black dots to the ladybugs back. Next we drew 2 antennae and 6 legs. Finally we added 2 eyes. They looked fantastic! 

We ended the day singing songs about insects after lunch. The kids loved the ladybug song!

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