Thursday, March 13, 2014


This morning we had real worms on the table! At first the kids didn't know what to think about it...but after a few minutes they were picking them up, comparing how long they were and seeing how many they could fit into their hand. After we finished playing with the worms we took them outside and put them in the courtyard so they could dig in the dirt. 

 During morning circle we talked about the calendar. We also reviewed the letters we have learned throughout the past weeks.
Our story today was "Wiggle and Waggle" by Caroline Arnold. Wiggle and Waggle are best friends. They live in a garden and love dirt! Worms love to dig tunnels in the dirt. After reading the story we made a chart comparing spiders, ants and worms. This helped us see how they are the same and how they are different.

We had music today with Ms. Gretchen. We started class by singing a new hello song. Then the kids sang a song identifying different bugs that fly and crawl. Next we pretended to be ants and marched around in a circle singing. Then we learned about frog and his five friends. We sang one of the kids favorite songs...five green and speckled frogs! When singing the goodbye song, Ms. Gretchen let the kids each strum the guitar.

For art today the kids made worms in the dirt. We mixed brown paint, glue and cooked spaghetti. It felt slimy just like real worms! After lunch we watched some of our favorite worm songs. It was a great day exploring how worms look, feel, and move!

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