Wednesday, March 26, 2014


This morning in the touch and feel pool was different colored yarn. The kids lined up the yarn from shortest to longest. We also used the yarn to make upper and lower case letters. During morning circle the kids met the occupational therapist assistant interns Ms. Kelly, Ms. Kristin and Ms. Stephanie that will be working with us on Wednesdays. We reviewed the letter H and practiced identifying words that rhyme.

Ms. Abby was here today...and the kids were so excited to see her! It was too cold to go outside so we practiced running and jumping inside. After we warmed up our bodies we practiced jumping through hoops. Then the kids completed an obstacle course. They jumped over and crawled under hurdles then hopscotched to the finish line. The last activity was a relay race. The kids first had to run with a bean bag and then they had to hop.
Our story today was "Shoo, Fly Guy" by Tedd Arnold. Fly Guy and Buzz are friends. When Buzz goes on a picnic, Fly Guy tries to find some food because he is very hungry. But he can’t seem to find his favorite type of food. And whenever he finds something that might work, he is shooed away. He finally finds Buzz at the end of the story and eats Shoo Fly Pie. After reading the story we made a chart with facts we learned about flies. Flies like to eat food that is brown, lumpy, stinky and oozy. We thought of different food that would fit in each category. Our book was also a beginning chapter we talked about Chapter One being the beginning of the story, Chapter Two was the middle of the story and Chapter Three was the end of the story.

For art the kids made a big fly. First they glued the fly body with 3 body parts to the paper. Next the kids glued two wings onto the fly body. We added yarn in the middle of the wings to make them colorful. Then the kids added two big eyes and antennae to the fly.

We finished the day singing songs about insects and flies. Tomorrow we will start talking about bees...our last insect of the month.

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