Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Germs Make You Sick!

This morning in circle we practiced the days of the week and months of the year. The kids worked on clapping the syllables for the months of he year. We also shared our birthday's with our friends.
Our story today was "Germs" by Judy Oetting. The story talked about the important of washing your hands to get rid of the germs. Germs like to hide in our mouth, nose, and under our fingernails. When we use soap and water we wash all the germs away! After reading the story the kids recalled all the important facts they learned about germs. They are very tiny and we have to use a microscope to see them. Germs are bad and their are two kinds....bacteria and virus. Germs like to be inside our body because we are warm and hot....they hid in our nose, mouth and belly.

For science we did an experiment to see how germs traveled. Since germs are so small and we can't see them we pretended sparkles were germs. We placed different colored sparkles on the table. The kids spread their hands around the table, shook each others hands and gave high fives....the germs were everywhere. The germs were covering their hands! We went to the bathroom to wash all the germs away. We used warm water and soap. We had to scrub our hands until all the sparkles were off and we knew they were clean.
 The kids loved learning about germs this week. We will continue next week talking about how to be healthy! I am so excited to take time over the next two days to talk to you about your wonderful children! 

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