Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Hear with My Ears

This morning the kids reviewed the five senses and described the senses we have already learned...touch and smell. Today we learned about hearing! We talked about the calendar and then practiced sounding out and identifying words that start with L.
Our story today was "The Very Noisy Night" by Diana Hendry. In the story the little mouse heard lots of sounds while he was trying to sleep. He kept asking big mouse if he could get into bed with him...but big mouse kept telling him to go back to bed. Little mouse heard the wind howl, a tree branch tap the window, and owl hoo and a faucet drip. Finally big mouse let him crawl into his bed and they slept through the birds chirping and the alarm clock! After reading the story we discussed quiet noises and loud noises. Quiet noises are the wind, whispers, the piano, waves and birds. Loud noises are thunder, a train whistle, sirens, and yelling. The kids also used their listening ears to play Simon Says. They had to listen very closely to the teachers and follow their directions.

For science today we taped all the kids saying "I love school." Then we sat in a big circle. We listened to each video without look at the screen and had to guess which voice we heard. After we heard each voice the kids guessed which friend they heard. They did a great job at listening and guessing the correct friend. We learned that all our voices sound different. We can tell if mom, dad or our siblings are calling our name just by listening to their voice.

After lunch we ended the day listening to different sounds and having to identify what was making the noise. We listened to transportation sounds, animal sounds and sounds we hear around the house. The kids loved trying to figure out the sound! 

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