Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day and Night

This morning we had floam in the pool. We rolled it and pinched it into different shapes. During morning circle we talked about the calendar and practiced the letters of the alphabet.

Today we had music class. We started by singing the hello song to all our friends. Then we practiced our friends' names when we sang "What's Your Name?" The kids each got an animal to help sing "Old MacDonald." When it was their turn they told the group what animal they had and what noise it makes. The next song we sang was about leaves falling down. The kids had leaves in their hands to help act out the leaves falling to the ground and being blown by the wind. We ended the class with the goodbye song while we each played the guitar.

On the playground today they were doing construction on the sidewalk in front of the church. The kids loved watching the excavator and dump truck break apart the sidewalk and get ready to make a new sidewalk.

Our story today was "Who Wakes Rooster" by Clare Hodgson Meeker. Rooster wakes everyone, but what if Rooster doesn't wake up? It's morning on the farm, but it's dark and very quiet. When the sun comes up rooster goes cock-a-doodle-do and wakes up the farmer, cow, pig, horse, cat and dog so they can start their day on the farm. After reading the story we talked about how we wake up in the morning. An alarm clock, the dog jumping on the bed, mommy and the smell of breakfast are some way we wake up in the morning. In our story the rooster woke everybody up on the farm.
 Then we talked about the different activities we do during night and day. During night we put on our pajamas, read a bedtime story, go to sleep and see the moon. During the day we go to school, play outside, eat breakfast and see the sun.

For science we made our own night sky at school. We punched holes in a box and made a hole for the light to shine on the stars. We took the night sky box down the hallway so it could be very dark. When we turned the light on we could see the stars on the wall. Some stars were very bright and some were hard to see...just like the real stars in the sky.

The kids made their own night sky for art. They needed black paper because it needs to be dark outside to see the stars. We used white paint and a cotton swab to make starts. Some friends had lots of stars in the sky and others had only a few. After we finished painting we looked at our sky and tried to see if we saw any shapes or patterns with the stars.
 The kids love singing about the farm. They get excited to request their favorites! Today they like "Driving My Tractor."

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