Friday, October 18, 2013

Sweet Potatoes!

It's board game Friday! Today we started our morning playing Candyland and Guess Who. In small groups we explained the rules of the game. Everyone took turns and practiced being patience when they needed to wait their turn.

This morning we reviewed the calendar and continued our pattern. We also practiced counting to 50. We ready our "everyday words" as a class. Then it was time for writing. The kids wrote in their journals, practiced the letter "P" and wrote sight words on the iPad.
Our story today was "Gigantic Sweet Potato" by Dianne De Las Casas. Ma Farmer really wanted some sweet potato pie. But the sweet potato she planted was too big to pull up, even with the help of just about every animal on the farm. Pa Farmer, Bessie Cow, Ralphie the Dog, and Kittie Cat all tried to help. Then Lily Mouse wanted to help....and they were able to pull out the gigantic sweet potato. Everyone enjoyed a big piece of sweet potato pie! During the story the kids predicted how Ma Farmer was going to get the sweet potato out of the ground. After we finished reading the kids recalled the characters in the story and sequenced the events.

We used sweet potatoes to make art today! First we used our senses to describe the sweet potatoes. Then we cut them in half so we could look at the inside. The next step was making our sweet potatoes into stamps. The kids used toothpicks to draw designs on the stamps. After the designs were drawn they dipped the potato into paint and stamped it on their paper. Our stamps made round circles...just like the sweet potatoes.

After we ate lunch it was time for show and tell. The kids loved sharing what they brought to school! The kids asked how they used their object and where they got it. One of our friends brought extras so everyone could take his show and tell home! Have a great fall weekend and I will see everyone on Monday!

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