Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Red, Yellow and Green Apples

We worked with pumpkin play dough for our sensory activity this morning. The kids used their senses to explore how it smelled and felt. After we pulled it apart into small pieces we used our fingers to push it back together. 

This morning Ms. Michele came to work with us! First we completed two different obstacle courses. The kids jumped on different colored circles then jumped off a bench. At the end they shot baskets with different size balls. For the other course, the kids climbed through a long tunnel and then shot baskets at the end. Then it was time for finger fun! Ms. Michele gave the kids a jungle animals. They used clay and a knife to make the animal food and used chalk to draw the animals habitat on the sidewalk.
Today we read "I Am an Apple" by Jean Marzollo. The story described an apple tree growing from a seeds to a big tree. We learned that apple blossoms (the pink flowers) have five petals...and there are five seeds in each apple. The book talked about the different colors of apples. There are red, yellow and green apples. After reading the story we made a list of facts we know about apples.

For science today we observed, compared and tasted red, yellow and green apples.We cut the apples open and looked at the seeds inside the apple. They were in the shape of a start.  The red and yellow apples were sweet and the green apple was sour. After tasting all the different kinds, the kids voted on which apple was their favorite. 

After lunch we ended the day with songs about apples and fall. Here is one of our favorite apple songs...I Love Apples.

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