Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Grocery Store!

Today we went to the grocery store! To prepare we read a social story about our trip during morning circle. We talked about what we will see at the grocery story and the rules of the Out and About. Before heading to Harris Teeter it was time to work with Ms. Abby.

Ms. Abby worked on being a goalie and kicking a soccer ball. First we made a circle. They each had a turn to pick a friend and roll the soccer ball to them. It was a great goalie skill to practicing catching the ball with our hand. Then the kids practiced dribbling the soccer ball and keeping control. The last activity worked on balance and shooting the ball into the soccer goal. The kids walked on a blue beam and at the end they kicked the soccer ball into the net!

After Ms. Abby we headed to the grocery store. The kids did a great job on our walk. We walked up and down the isles of the produce department looking at all the different kinds of vegetables and fruits the grocery store sold. We saw corn, squash, green beans, and eggplant in the vegetable section. They kids found lots of different colored peppers. There was red, orange, green, and yellow.....some were even packaged like a stop light! We also found 3 different colored potatoes....white, brown and purple. We smelled the apples, oranges and lemons. I gave the kids clues to guess what fruit I was thinking is yellow and monkeys like to eat it....BANANAS! The grocery store also had pumpkins, Indian corn and gourds to celebrate fall. The gourds were very bumpy! Before leaving the grocery store the kids each got to try a piece of cantaloupe. Then we headed back to school...everyone walked a little slower after our fun Out and About. 
Before we ate our lunch we read "Out and About at the Supermarket" by Kitty Shea. Store employee Mark gives a guided tour of a supermarket, where he explains the most popular foods, why some foods must be kept frozen, and how groceries should be packed in bags. After reading the story the kids shared their favorite part of the grocery store. They liked looking at the different colored vegetables and fruits...and they loved tasting the cantaloupe.

The kids must have been tired and hungry after our trip because everyone was very quiet during lunch time. We ended the day with songs about fruits and vegetables. We left everyone a little surprise from the grocery store in their book bag...a cookie.

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