This morning during circle we talked about the days of the week and months of the year. We reminded the kids that we will have no school tomorrow and Friday because we are having mom and dad meetings with the teacher. We practiced the letters and sounds of the alphabet out of order. We also sang Tim and Theo happy birthday because they are celebrating their birthdays this weekend.
Ms. Abby came today. We worked on balance. They kids took turns weaving around cones with a bean bag on their head. It was hard to keep it up there without falling off. To help them balance, the kids tried to put their arms out while walking around the cones. Then the kids walked on a balance obstacle course. They walked on a blue balance beam, across a curved balance beam, over a skinny yellow beam, along a rope and then jumped over a big hurdle. At the end we played copy cat with bean bags. Ms. Abby would give a direction and the kids had to follow....put the bean bag on your head, back, nose, and foot!
Our story today was "Ducking for Apples" by Lynne Berry. Before reading the story the kids used the cover and title to help make predictions about what is going to happen in the story. In the story five ducks are going for a bike ride. They ride their bikes to a big apple tree. They can't reach the apples by themselves so they work together and climb up each others backs. After picking lots of apples they ride back home to make an apple pie. After reading the story we sequenced the important events in the story. Then we talked about different things we can make with apples. We can make apple juice, apple butter, apple bars, apple pie, apple sauce and apple ice cream.
For art today we made an apple tree. First we needed to find the top part of the tree (leaves) and the bottom part of the tree (trunk). There was a problem with the top part of the was white instead of green. The kids used green paint to make the leaves in the tree. After the tree was covered with leaves they used their finger to make lots of red apples.
After lunch we sang more songs about apples. The kids liked the song about the apples falling off the tree. I am very excited to have time to talk about your wonderful kids at conferences tomorrow!
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