In the morning we started our science activity...making applesauce! First we counted 10 apples. We peeled the apples with an apple peelers. Then they watched me slice the apples into 10 pieces with an apple slicers. We looked at the core of the apple that was cut was hard and had seeds inside.
Next we chopped the apples into smaller pieces and put them inside the crockpot. The recipe had us add water, sugar and cinnamon to the crockpot. We stirred it together and then turned it on.
During morning circle we talked about the days of the week and months of the year. The kids continued the pattern. We reviewed our "sound brothers." Then the kids each had a turn pulling a letter out of the mystery box. They told the group the name of their letter, what sound it made and thought of a word that started with that letter.
Our story today was "The Apple Pie Tree" by Zoe Hall. The children in this story watch their apple tree during the different
seasons of the year. When autumn comes, they pick the apples and with
their parents make apple pie. After reading the story we described how an apple tree looks during all four seasons. We used pictures to help us describe how it changes. We also labeled the different part of the, stem, core, and seeds.
Before eating lunch we wrote in our journals about making applesauce. The classroom smelled like apples and was wonderful! After eating lunch the applesauce was ready! We let it cool for a minute because it was very hot. Then everyone was able to taste was delicious! The kids did a great job making applesauce and were wonderful listeners today!
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