Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bark, George!

This morning we had many different animals in the touch and feel pool. The kids talked about the different sounds the animals made and where the animals like to live. The snakes and dogs were the favorites.

During morning circle we talked about the calendar. We practiced saying the days of the week and months of the year in different orders. We also talked about the weather. This week it is going to be cold so it is important that we bundle up outside.

Ms. Michelle came today! First we completed an obstacle course. The kids walked on circles, then across the balance beam. Then they tossed a bean bag in a hole, crawled under a table and tried to flip over a flip-flop face with a bean bag. After everyone had several turns then they had to go across the obstacle course backward...that made it more tricky. After finishing the obstacle course the kids rotated through centers. They worked on building, making/copying patterns, matching colors, using nuts and bolts and making designs.
Our story today was "Bark, George" by Jules Feiffer. In the story George, the dog, can't bark. His mother keeps saying "Bark, George" but George meows, quacks, oinks and moos instead. His mother takes him to the vet. The vet reaches into George's mouth and finds a cat, duck, pig and cow! Finally George was able to bark. After reading the story we discussed the different pets we can have at home.

For art today we made George from our story. First we colored him brown. Then the kids glued eyes, a nose, a tongue and ears onto him. They kids retold the story using their George puppet...they loved to pretend to make the wrong sounds instead of barking.

Today was a very busy day! Tomorrow we will continue to talk more about our pets and going to the vet.

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