Friday, November 8, 2013

Time for a Check-up

This morning we played Don't Wake Up Daddy and Pop Up Pirate. Both groups of kids had a chance to play both games! It is wonderful to see how much progress the class has made playing games together! During morning circle we talked about the calendar and continued our AAB pattern. The kids read their everyday words. Then we practiced the sound brother pairs we have already learned. We focused on matching the sound with the correct letter.

Before going outside we had our writing centers. The kids wrote in their journals, practiced the letter "U", wrote sight words on the iPad and worked their muscles hammering a heart outline.

 Today we read "Froggy Goes to the Doctor" by Jonathan London. Froggy went the doctor for a checkup, and he was feeling a little nervous. "What if the doctor wants to give me a shot?" he thought. Once he got to the doctors office he realized it wasn't so bad. The doctor checked his eyes, mouth and heart beat. She also checked his reflexes. At the end of the appointment he got a treat and was excited to come back to the doctor for another checkup. After reading the story we sorted different jobs and tools of a dentist or doctor. The kids had to identify the picture and tell me where it belonged. On our venn diagram the pictures could go with the dentist, the doctor, both the dentist and the doctor or it didn't belong. After the chart was completed we discussed what we learned this week.


For art the kids made stethoscopes.We first started by painting the end of the stethoscope white,which is the part you put on your chest. Then we used pipe cleaners to make the part that listens to your heart beat in your ears.
After finishing art we talked about our heart beating. Our heart can beat slow and fast. It beats slow when we are sleeping, laying on the couch, reading a book or watching a movie. It beats fast when we jump, run, play sports or exercise. Jack D. brought his toy stethoscope to school. The kids each took a turn listening to someones heart beat. They pretended to make heart beat sounds.

Before eating lunch we played Spot It! as a group. The kids did a great job waiting for their turn and searching for the item that was the same on both cards. The kids were very talkative during lunch today. We ended the day reading our last book about the doctor, "Doctor Meow's Big Emergency." Don't forget we have no school on Monday for Veterans Day....see everyone on Tuesday!

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