Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fire Fighters!

During our morning circle we talked about all the different things we saw at the fire station yesterday. They kids shared their favorite parts...they loved getting to go inside the fire truck and playing with the hose! We talked about the calendar. There are only 7 more days until Thanksgiving!
Our story today was "This is a Firefighter" by Laura Godwin. In the story the firefighters hear the alarm and race to put it out. A building was on fire in their community. The firefighters hooked the hose up to the fire hydrant and start putting out the fire. Other firefighters went into the building and helped the families get out safely. They even used a tall ladder to help people get out their window. After reading the story we made a list of things firefighters wear and use.

For art today we made five little firefighters! First the kids made a red hand print on their paper. Then they glued a head and fire hat to the top of each firefighter. They we drew a hose and made water squirt out of the hose to put out the fire. On the bottom of their paper was a poem about firefighters.
Everyone seemed sleepy and tired at lunch today. They are worn out from seeing the police officer and visiting the fire station. At the end of the day the kids each took a fire fighter hat home. Tomorrow we will continue to talk about firefighters.

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